Introducing: Mateo García Elizondo in Translation
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Pour plus d’information à propos de cet événement, veuillez contacter l’organisateur de l’événement, Fondation Metropolis bleu, à frederick.gaudin-laurin@metropolisbleu.org.
Achat de billets
Picked by Granta among the best young Spanish-language novelists in the world, Mateo García Elizondo is also a scriptwriter for both films and graphic novels. Una cita con la Lady, his début novel, tells the story of an addict who is reflecting on his life in Mexico, and was very well received in France (Dernier rendez-vous avec la Lady, Maurice Nadeau, 2023) and the UK (Last Date in El Zapotal, Charco Press, 2024). In town for the very first time, come listen to this trilingual conversation about his craft, with Felipe Restrepo Pombo, and his work in translation, with María Constanza Guzmán, and help make Mateo an honorary Montrealer. With support from the Mexican Consulate in Montreal and Charco Press.
- Remboursements
- Jusqu'à ce que l'événement débute
- Accès pour personnes à mobilité réduite
- Oui
Picked by Granta among the best young Spanish-language novelists in the world, Mateo García Elizondo is also a scriptwriter for both films and graphic novels. Una cita con la Lady, his début novel, tells the story of an addict who is reflecting on his life in Mexico, and was very well received in France (Dernier rendez-vous avec la Lady, Maurice Nadeau, 2023) and the UK (Last Date in El Zapotal, Charco Press, 2024). In town for the very first time, come listen to this trilingual conversation about his craft, with Felipe Restrepo Pombo, and his work in translation, with María Constanza Guzmán, and help make Mateo an honorary Montrealer. With support from the Mexican Consulate in Montreal and Charco Press.
- Remboursements
- Jusqu'à ce que l'événement débute
- Accès pour personnes à mobilité réduite
- Oui
Transport collectif Public transportation
Métro Saint-Laurent – Ligne verte/Green line
Métro Sherbrooke – Ligne orange/Orange line
Autobus 24 ou/or 55 bus lines
Le transport collectif est le meilleur moyen pour
se rendre au Festival et se déplacer d’un site à l’autre.
Public transportation is the best way to get to
the Festival and from site to site.
Stationnement Parking
• Payant à l’intérieur de l’Hôtel10 Payable inside Hotel 10
• Dans les rues avoisinantes On the surrounding streets
Événements à venir
Du 24 au 27 avril 2025Tous les lieux du Festival sauf exception, Montréal, QC
L’univers des arbres avec Éryck de Rubercy
24 avril 2025, 18h00Librairie Gallimard, Montréal, QC -
Les trois amours d’Alexis Jenni
24 avril 2025, 19h30Librairie Gallimard, Montréal, QC -
Passe professionnelle
25 avril 2025, 9h00L’Hotel 10, Montreal, QC